Dienstag, 28. Oktober 2008

Hands off our music!

It's been a while since the last update so I thought I write something about what's happening with FT at the moment. Well, to be honest: nothing's happening with FT at the moment! Niki was in America the whole month of october, so we've been inactive for this period! But as soon as he is back, we want to start to write new songs and record them early next year. Don't know what's up next on a release level, but there'll defenitly be a new record coming out next year. We also have plans for going on tour again next year, but nothing's fixed yet, so stay tuned...

next show is the 20th anniversary of austrian hardcore legends Cold World on the 29th of November at the Arena! Ruidosa Inmundicia will play too

That's it for now. Drop by once in a while for more news. In the meantime get the Make An Effort Demo and mosh in your room!