Dienstag, 16. September 2008

Tour report pt. 1

I'm sitting in the JUZ Mannheim as I'm typing this. We played here the first two shows of our tour: yesterday with Rhythm To The Madness and Blacklisted, tonight with Vogue and some band from Latvia. The drive to Mannheim on monday was pretty shitty due to rain pouring down for 8 hours straight. But thanks to a big flatscreen and a PS2 wasn't boring at all. Played Fifa 08, Burnout and Tony Hawk the whole time.
At the JUZ we had a warm welcome by René and Litty, hung out a bit and got some pretty good food. We had to wait till the "Vollversammlung" was over until we could set up our gear. The show was a last minute show + it was a monday night, so not that many people showed up. We played an ok set. RTTM were hard, Blacklisted were cool as always.

I slept quite long, woke up at like 12 o´clock. Breakfast was allready ready and offered all we could've asked for. Later René drove with us to Heidelberg to show us the castle there which was awesome. Go there when you get the chance. Afterwards we strolled a bit through the historic city of Heidelberg which was nice too. bought some essential stuff like toothpaste and went to Subway.
Back in Mannheim we went to the shop where René's working at and to a shop to get some more PS games (another tony hawk and Tekken 5 - YES!).
Back at the venue we met up with the Vogue guys. They told us they'll play a show in Holland tomorrow and we could possibly joind. Hope this works out. would be cool as the show's in a skatepark! we'll see...
Food was as good as yesterday. Show was more like a bandpractise as no one but the band and the kids who are running the JUZ showed up. but if we play our set like we did tonight i'm happy. I guess Vogue will be superfunny to watch as always, but they haven't played yet as i'm typing this shit.
Guess some of us will get really drunk tonight as there's a party going on at some club where the kids from the JUZ wanna go to. Could turn out funny...

1 Kommentar:

J. hat gesagt…

klingt lustig. fuck ich will auch tekken 5 spielen und chilli fressen. aja und nehmt freeze up dmeos ausm uk mit!!;)

viel spaß weiterhin .. vielleicht wird ja der vogue sänger wieder verprügelt.