Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

Tour report pt. 2

I am sitting in the Holy Shit! recs. HQ as i am typing this. Jonas was so kind to let us crash on his floor for the last night. We played a last minute show with Vogue in Eindhoven at the infamous area 51 skatepark last night. due to being a last minute show like the night before almost none showed up, but we got to witness an awesome Vogue jam session and skate the park on our own a bit. afterwards some of us "smoked some funny things" (yes...that was an Kid Rock quote) and we went to Jonas place.

Tonight is the first show of our originally booked ones: Lille! And then we are over at the UK Finally no last minute shows anymore, so hopefully some people will show up.

Support Holy Shit! Records!!!

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