Montag, 22. September 2008

Tour report pt. 4

It's 8am as I'm typing this and I just got home from our tour. I guess it was what some would call "a blast"! I still haven't realised that it's allready over. I'm kinda happy to be at home again, but I'm also a bit sad that it's over till the next time. Time seemed to have passed so fast, but on the other hand I almost can't remeber the happenings on the beginning of this journey. it's a weird feeling somehow, but i like it and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

But let's go back to where I left off after the last update...

After almost getting kicked out of the student house by some vietnamese guy we call "Charly" we spent quite some time of the day in London seeing sights and/or shopping before we left for the venue. This turned out to be quite an odyssey as it took almost 2 hours to get there. Venue and promoter were supercool as were the guys from Trash Talk and Paint It Black. We hung around the club for a while before we started at around half past 9. As I said, the show was sold out, so there were like 200 a room for maybe 130! It was defenitely cool to play infront of so many people. Think we did good. Trash Talk were amazing as were Paint It Black!
After the show we drove back to the studenthouse only to find the park closed. Somehow we managed to get in, but the parking lot was closed too. so we split and some parked the van nearby and the others went to Jessicas room to spend the night there.

We got up early the next day cause we wanted to get to Brighton early to hang out and do some shopping there. This town is amazing. By far my favourite town on the island. The atmosphere there is just so chill and nice + it has the best shopping opportunities. And the pier is something you must've seen.
But before all this we had to find a mechanic, cause the breaks of the van wer falling appart. But this turned out to be easy and the mechanic also told us the way to the venue.
The venue was ace! It's an rock pub with a huge Biergarten. Rob, the promoter is an A+ dude and served us the best meal we got on this tour. We played together with The Legacy, Gold Kids and No Dice. No Dice were defenitely the band that impressed me the most on this tour. POWERVIOLENCE is all I need to say! Quite a few people showed up and I think we played a good set. After the show we went to Robs place, but I slept in the van - cats and I are no good combination.

Again we left early the next day as we had to catch our ferry back to the mainland. I took over the wheel for the first time in England. Weird feeling, but nothing happened.
We arrived at the show on time and met up with our friends Laura and Jonas. It was good to see some faces we allready knew again. We played the show together with our friends from Damaged Goods too who were amazing as always. They're gonna be on tour in October and I suppose you check them out if you have the chance. Also pick up their new LP out on NJW!
After the show we went to Brams house were everbody got drunk and high (except for the sXe kids...).

Next day we played in Cologne, Germany. We left early cause we wanted to hang out in the city which we did. I even managed to get lost...fuck me! Again we met a lot of friends at the show again which was awesome. We played together with Kingdom and AYS who are both amazing bands made up by the nicest dudes!
Oh...and it wouldn't be a Feeding Time tour if none would wreck the van! Last time i crashed the backdoor + window of the van, this time Niki managed to ruin the door on the passengers side!
The night was spent at the flat of Björn from Deny Everything.

After a nice breakfast we made our way to Dresden for the last show of the tour. But not without standing for like 3 hours in a huge traffic jam! But we managed to be right on time. Again a show with lots of friends there, this time our man Hannes and the dudes from Liberty Stands Still/Infected! Show was in a practise room so we were more than siked. Infected opened up and took me by suprise. Great band playing hardcore like Ceremony, Trash Talk, Bracewar and the likes. Schlops would say "Phillip music". Liberty Stands Still were cool too and we played the best show of this tour with people going nuts, moshing and singing along. awesome. couldn't be a better ending of the tour.

After our final goodbyes we made our way home to Vienna and here i'm sitting now infront of my computer typing this shit.

I want to send a huge and sincere "THANK YOU" from the bottom of our hearts to the following people: Jochen, Katze, Puke, René, Litty, Jerémy, Steve, Dave, Surge, Alan, Tom, Sarah, Jessica, JT, Rob, Laura, Wouter, Bram, Jonas Holy Shit!, Jan & Hannes. I think i forgot quite a few more. Please forgive me, i'm still trying to recall all the events of the tour. But all of you made this tour possible and so we owe you everything. We really appreciate all you've done for us. So MASSIVE LUV from the Feeding Time guys!

Please support the following bands/labels as they're not only amazing but are made up by the greatest people we've met so far: Vogue, Nowhere Fast, Fixed Grins, Trash Talk, No Dice, Damaged Goods, Kingdom, AYS, Liberty Stands Still & Infected.

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