Dienstag, 2. September 2008

Vultures will have a royal feast!

So here it is: The first blog entry of the Feeding Time blog! I had this idea for quite some time as some of my favourite bands, like Fucked Up, Blacklisted or Trash Talk, started a blog too. So why not start a blog for Feeding Time? It will mainly contain updates and news concerning the band. So all of you who are interested in Feeding Time should check back here once in a while.

We just came back from a weekend trip to eastern germany which was a blast! Our friend Hannes booked the first show and helped us jumping on the line up of the second one. He's btw the guy behind Powertrip Records, the label that will release our 7"! You can allready pre-order it by just sending an e-mail to powertriprecords@hotmail.de. He's an A+ dude and deserves all the support you can give! Both shows were cool and we played with some great bands like Have Heart, Shipwreck A.D., Common Cause or Screwed Up. A sincere "THANK YOU" goes out to our new friends in Liberty Stands Still, who are one of the nicest dudes we've met so far. Check them out of you into modern hardcore like Killing The Dream or Life Long Tragedy the slightest!
At both shows a limited pre-version of our s/t 7" was available for the first time. It's limited to 40 pieces and looks like this:

The title to this entry comes from the lyrics of our newest song "Royal Feast". Those lyrics mean a lot to me and I think they're on of the best i wrote in the short history of the band. This song is the first we wrote for our next release. We plan to go into the recording studio this winter again, don't know what's up next for us on a release level. The lyrics go like this:

failure's running thorugh my veins
regret in every word i speak
burned all the bridges that i've crossed
now let me hang among the lost
i've carried my cross long enough
so drive these nails into my flesh
a nail for every time i have sinned
let me bleed
cap me with my crown of thorns
thrive a spear into my chest
vultures have a royal feast
let me rot
on this cross
in misery

That's it for now! Again a HUGE thank you to Hannes, Maria, Greyli and all the dudes in Liberty Stands Still and Common Cause!

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