Sonntag, 21. September 2008

Tour report pt. 3

It's been a while since the last entry and a lot has happened since then. As i'm typing this i'm sitting in the weirdest place so far: in the loby of the regent's college in regent park in London! i feel so out of place here. kids here seem so rich and i feel really smelly. plus: it seems like a really rich neighborhood! but it's cool. we're gonna stay here for the next two nights thanks to our new friend Jessica! so massiv props go out to her and her friends!

but now let me recapture the events of the last few days...

Before we drove to Lille we hung out in the beautiful city of Gent where we met Bjorn from Rise & Fall and Lino from Dead Stop in the centre and enjoyed the beautiful architecture. In the afternoon we drove to Lille to meet up with our friend Jeremy there, hung out a bit and played cool show to a good amount of kids who even made us play an encore. so that was defenitely a good night. we slept over at Jeremys place and left early the next morning.

We got to our ferry without any problems and the ride to the UK seemed to be reallz short this time and Jan also didn't got owned by the sea! but the way to Lincoln was total horror due to heavy traffic almost the whole ride. i didn't care as i played tekken the whole time at the backseat which caused me a nervous breakdown...
the welcome in Lincoln by our friends Steve and Dave was reallz warm. I was so happy to see those guys again as they are A+ dudes. Bad news were that all the supportbands cancelled which was a little bummer, but who cares. we wen't to a store to get some foods but had to wait like 45 minutes. Steve called and told us that there was allready a good amount of kids at the venue, so we headed back, set up and played a good show and ate afterwards.
Since Lille we called the tour the "Super Booze Tour 2008" and since it was friday night we headed out to party real hard. At first we wanted to got to some posh club but they didn't want to let us in, so we went to the same club we went to on our last tour: Sugarcubes. A place with cheap alcohol and shitty music. The others got reallz drunk while peter and I sang along to taking back sunday. good night with lot's of laughs. went home at like 3am.

the next day we hung out in lincoln for a while with surge (?) the owner of the club we played at and slept in and his girlfriend who are one of the nicest persons we've met so far. feeding time <3 lincoln!
the ride to nottingham was pretty short, but we had problems finding the venue due to our navigation system not having the uk maps on it! but it all turned out good. we met up with tom, setted up and waited for the other bands. first band that night was fixed grins, who played their first show and were really good, allthogh a bit sloppy. but really cool! i was really blown away by nowhere fast!!! they play really fast and pissed hardcore like shark attack and the likes. but unlike most band that play that style they weren't boring or just an imitation copy. they fucking ruled and pulled it off quite well. get their demo from Jan Capeet!!! Last band before us were Times Together. youth crew with the funniest stage just have to love it. we played quite a good set...
rest of the night was spent drinking and talking shit till 4am at toms house. tour is now called "super booze is serious business tour 2008".

didn't sleept too long tonight! we woke up at 9am cause we wanted to get to London early to do some shopping. oh...i forgot to mention that we had a day off today! we wanted to join the gold kids/the legacy show in sheffield tonight, but it sadly didn't work out. so that's how our day off got together. but london is cool too. we parked our van near wembley stadium and took the metro to the city to hang out in oxford street for a while till we met up with jessica. we couldn't believe our eyes when she showed us our sleepingplaces...

tomorrow we will play with trash talk and pain it black...and the venue is SOLD OUT!!!! SIKED!!! i'm really looking forward to that...should be fun. hopefully some of our friends can make it out too...

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

ihr scheint ja richtig viel spaß zu haben!!
wünsch euch so viel wie möglich davon auch noch weiterhin und wien mag euch wiederhaben. bisschen langweilig ohne euch nämlich :)
